Christmas Color Scheme by

Since I'm a lover of color, decorating AND photography, I love creating eye-catching color schemes inspired by my's so fun.  With the holidays in the air, my print above, "The Christmas Spirit," is really speaking to me.  I just decorated our house for Christmas in traditional red and green but I've been seeing some really pretty neutral holiday decor in the stores...pretty sparkly silvers, golds and creams.  I'd love to decorate our house one year for Christmas in those light, calming colors but I just went on a bit of a shopping spree for my new red & green decor.  :)  I'll have to wait a few years I guess! 

I hope this color scheme inspires your decorating for the holidays.  The print above, "The Christmas Spirit," is available on my shop as a print or canvas.  Get my FREE download, "Color Palette's to Inspire Your Decor,"  based on several of my best-selling prints. 

Happy decorating!

Carolyn  :)


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